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Doç. Dr. Ismail Latif Hacinebioglu



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  • Theology & Religious Studies at Suleyman Demirel University
  • Bölüm:Felsefe ve Din Bilimleri
  • Ana Bilim Dalı Mantık
  • Telefon:00 90 246 211 4578-3881

Kişisel Web Sayfası:http://www.trinitysaintdavid.ac.uk/en/schooloftheologyreligiousstudiesandislamicstudies/visitingandhonorarystaff/associateprofessorismaillatifhacinebioglu/


Öğrenim Bilgileri

  • Lisans: Dokuz Eylül Üniv.İlahiyat Fak.-18.07.1994
  • Yüksek Lisans: (M.Phil) Universtiy Of Wales Lampeter, İngiltere - -30.03.1998
  • Doktora: Universtiy of Wales Lampeter - Din Felsefesi ve Mantık - 08.02.2002



Academic Qualifications

  • 2008 Asssociate Professorship
  • 2001 University of Wales, Lampeter, Ph.D. in Philosophy of Religion and Logic.
  • 1995 MA course in Philosophy of Religion, at DEU, Social Science Institute, Turkey
  • 1994 B.A. Honours in Religious Studies and Philosophy at DEU (Dokuz Eylul University), Turkey


Professional Experience

  • 2002- Present: Lecturer at Suleyman Demirel University, Philosophy and Religious Studies Department.
  • 2006- Present: Visiting Scholar of Islamic Philosophy at Trinity College, Carmarthen, University of Wales.
  • 2002: Post-Doctorate.
  • 1999-2000: Tutor in Philosophy of Religion UWL, Lampeter, TRS.


Academic Interests

  • Philosophy of Religion
  • Logic, Islamic Philosophy
  • History of Philosophy
  • Comparative Religion: especially Islamic, Judeo-Christian, and Buddhist Traditions.




  • Ismail Hacinebioglu, Does God Exist: The Logical Foundations of the Cosmological Argument, Insan Publication, 2008.
  • Ismail Hacinebioglu, Philosophy of Informal Logic: A Survey on Buddhist Logic, Sogut. Yay, 2008 (in Turkish)
  • Ismail Hacinebioglu, Concept-Centered Approach to the Search for Common Epistemological Ground within Interreligious Framework, in G.Durka, K. Engebretson, M. De Souza, L. Gearon (Eds), 'International Handbook of Interreligious Education', Amsterdam: Springer Press, 2009.


  • Ismail Hacinebioglu "A Methodological Approach to the Epistemic Classification of Knowledge in Religious Sciences", Journal of Belief and Values, Vol. 28, No. 3, December 2007, 235-241.
  • Ismail Hacinebioglu, On a Justification of Logic of Belief in Relation to Religious Argumentation, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Ilahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, Yil: 2007/2, Sayi: 19,ss 17-26
  • Ismail Hacinebioglu, An Epistemological Analysis of The Logical Premises of Pluralism, SDÜ Review of the The Faculty of Divinity, Sayi 16 2006/1 ss.17-28
  • Ismail Hacinebioglu, The Realism of Logical Argumentation Versus Philosophical Religious Pluralism, SDU Review of the The Faculty of Divinity, Sayi 17 2006/2 ss.1-13
  • Ismail Hacinebioglu, Bir Düsünce ve Mantik Problemi Olarak Paradoks,Kaygi: Uludag Üniversitesi Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Felsefe Dergisi, Sayi 7 Güz 2006 pp.105-120.
  • Ismail Hacinebioglu, Dünya Problemleri Karsisinda Felsefenin Imkani,Tabularasa, 3/9, 2003, 7-16
  • Ismail Hacinebioglu, Bilgi Ve Ifade Için Bir Araç Ya Da Engel Olarak Slogan, Felsefe Dünyasi,
  • Ismail Hacinebioglu, Hegel'de Gerçeklik Arayisi Baglaminda Mantigin Metafizik Olarak Yorumu Tabula Rasa 6/17, 2006, 52-59
  • Ismail Hacinebioglu, Dünya Problemleri Karsisinda Felsefenin Imkani,Tabula Rasa, 3/9, 2003, 7-16
  • Ismail Hacinebioglu, Soru Sormanin Mantigi: Soru sormak varolmak midir? SOBE. 1/1, 21-26
  • Ismail Hacinebioglu, Problem Üzerinden Bilimler Arasi Iliskiye Bir Bakis,SOBE , 2, 2006, 15-25
  • Ismail Hacinebioglu, Ingiltere'de Islam ve Ingiliz Muselmanligi, SOBE , 3, 2006, 46-55
  • Papers:
  • Ismail Hacinebioglu, New Approaches in Islamic Thought, The Twenty-six Annual Conference, AMSS (The Association of Muslim Social Scientist), State University of New York, Suny, Brockport College, New York 28-30 November 1997.
  • Ismail Hacinebioglu, The Problems of The Kalam Cosmological Argument, First AUDTRS National conference, University of London, SOAS, London 16-18 April 1998.
  • Ismail Hacinebioglu, The Cosmological Argument, Binghamton University, New York, Philosophy of Religion and History of Philosophy Conference, New York 1-3 May 1998.
  • Ismail Hacinebioglu, Islamic Perspectives on Human Rights, Human Rights Conference, Amnesty International, Lampeter, May 1998.
  • Ismail Hacinebioglu, Can the Arguments for the Existence of God be Common Ground for Pluralism?, BRISMES Annual Conference, Birmingham University, Selly Oak College, CSIC,Birmingham 7-10 July 1998.
  • Ismail Hacinebioglu, A Modern Approach to Islamic Philosophy, BASRA Annual Conference Lampeter, October 1999.
  • Ismail Hacinebioglu, Groundworks of Islam, Trinity College, Carmarthen, April 2000.
  • Ismail Hacinebioglu, Muslim Modern Thought, A Conference with Prof Ibrahim Abu Rabi. London, May 2000.
  • Ismail Hacinebioglu, The Cosmological Argument, Lampeter UWL, Theology and Religious Studies Department Lampeter, October 2000.
  • Ismail Hacinebioglu, The Problem of Epistemic Basis of the Questioning Religious Argumentation: Creating a Religious Identity through Changes in World Views, BRISMES Congress, Durham, 12-16 September, 2005
  • Ismail Hacinebioglu, Identity and Representation with the Name of Rose: As A Representative of Philosophical Religious Language,BRISMES Congress, Durham, 12-16 Eylül 2005.
  • Ismail Hacinebioglu, Rationality as a Basis of Epistemology, Theology versus or Religious Studies or Theology and Religious Studies 6-7 July 2006 Oxford
  • Ismail Hacinebioglu, Religious Argumentation and Paradox, BRISMES 2006 University of Birmingham, Faith, Politics, and Society 23-26 July 2006.
  • Ismail Hacinebioglu, Philosophy of Religious Studies, Centre for European Union Education and Youth Programmes and British Council, University of London, SOAS, 25 April 2006, Oxford University, 26 April 2006, Manchester University 27 April 2006, Durham University 28 April 2006.
  • Ismail Hacinebioglu, Philosophy of Education, Religion in Higher Education, SDÜ TRS, I.Demiralay Anfi, 12.09.2006
  • Ismail Hacinebioglu, Ismail Gelenbevi, International Symposium on the Contribution of Turkish World to Islam, Isparta, 31 May-1 June 2007
  • Islamic Thought and Logic in relation to Religious Epistemology,University of Wales, Philosophy Department, 24 April 2007


Additional Information

Links to Theology & Religious Studies at Suleyman Demirel University:

http://ilahiyat.sdu.edu.tr/index_en.php (for English)
