Christian Perspectives on Islam
5th March 2012, 17:15 to 19:30, Senate Room, Durham Castle
A lecture by Prof Thomas Michel S.J., Georgetown University sponsored by Risale-i Nur Studies, Durham, the Dept of Theology and Religion and the Faith and Globalisation Programme.
Prof Thomas Michel S.J. is a leading expert in Christian-Muslim relations who has served on the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue and published extensively on modern Muslim thinkers such as Said Nursi. In 1988 he became Head of the Office for Islam in the same Vatican department. Drawing on over four decades of experience of living among and working with Muslims in Indonesia, Philippines, Egypt and Turkey, Father Michel will offer insights into
- his own experience of Muslim thought and scholarship
- his perception of Islam, and the misconceptions that often inform the views of non-Muslims
- the commonalities that this religion has with its sister faith, Christianity.
The seminar will help to foster a better understanding of the values shared by both Muslims and Christians, and inspire all who seek to build a future firmly rooted in mutual understanding and respect.