• Studies

    Academic works on the Risale-i Nur Collection
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Risale-i Nur Studies


The Renewal of Sufism in the Contemporary Muslim World, 29th April 2013 at 5.15

Islam and Modernisation: A Project Gone Wrong? Professor Syed Farid Alatas of National University of Singapore, 3rd December 5:15pm

Islam, Science and Scientism: A seminar by Prof Alparslan Acikgenc of Yildiz Technical University, 29th October 2012

Christian Perspectives on Islam: A Lecture by Prof Thomas Michel of Georgetown University 5th March 2012 at 17.15.


The long-term objective of the Risale -i Nur Studies, an inter-departmental initiative, is the scholarly study and analysis of the thought and teachings of Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, particularly as embodied by his magnum opus, the six-thousand page work of Koranic exegesis known as the Risale-i Nur.

The more immediate aim is to facilitate and encourage debate, research and the growth of Nursian studies in the UK and overseas.

Our aim is to support individual and collaborative research centred on five main research themes:

  • the origins and evolution of Said Nursi's discourse and the development of of Nursian exegesis as embodied in the Risale-i Nur,
  • the history of the Nur movement and its various sub-branches,
  • the evolution of Sufi thought, particularly insofar as it pertains to the Risale, with particular reference to the teachings of Jalal al-din Rumi, Ibn al-Arabai, Abd al-Qadir al-Gilani, Imam Sirhindi and the like,
  • the issue of 'religious externalism' and the notion of the esoteric and exoteric in Islam,
  • contemporary Muslim thought in Turkey, with particular reference to the movements of Suleyman Hilmi Tunahan, Mehmed Zahid Kotku and Fethullah Gulen.

Attempts will be made to achieve this through four principal routes.

  • By encouraging links and exchanges between scholars and institutions in the UK and Turkey, and in other countries where the study of Nursi and his teachings has an academic footing.
  • By hosting seminars, workshops and conferences to bring together the latest research in the field, and to highlight and communicate to a wider audience the richness and diversity of Risale studies.
  • By providing, through its links with external funding bodies, opportunities for aspiring scholar to pursue postgraduate research in the field of Risale studies, thus paving the way for the gradual emergence of a new generation of academics versed in various areas of the discipline.

It is hoped that Risale-i Nur Studies will:


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