The Seventeenth Word


Second table


(This table describes the true spirit of the world of the people of guidance and peace.)


Heedlessness has disappeared;

I have seen the light of truth to be manifest.


Existence is a proof of Divine Being.

See, life is the mirror reflecting The Truth.


Intellect has become the key to treasuries.

See, mortality is the door to eternity.


The spark of self-attainment has died.

But see, there is the sun of grace and beauty.


Separation has become true union;

See, pain is pure pleasure.


Life has become pure action.

See, eternity is pure life.


Darkness is a thin membrane enclosing light.

See, there is true life in death.


All things have become familiar.

See, all sounds are the mentioning of God.


All the particles in creation:

See, each glorifies God and calls Him by His Names.


I have found poverty to be a treasury of wealth.

See, in impotence lies perfect power.


If you have found God,

See, all things are yours.


If you are a slave of the Owner of all things,

See His property is yours.


If you are egotist and claim self-ownership,

See, it is endless trial and tribulation.


It is infinite torment, taste it,

See, it is an unbearable calamity.


If you are truly a slave of God, devoted to Him,

See, it is an infinite delight.


Taste its uncountable rewards,

See the boundless bliss; experience it.


Bediuzzaman Said Nursi