THE THIRD TRUTH: The truth of Disposing and Administering



Which our traveler observes in the third mansion or stage is the truth of Disposing and Administering.

This is the truth or reality of the disposal and administration, with complete order and balance, of all things, from the awesome and swiftly moving celestial bodies to the needy, weak creatures of the earth. For they are caused to help each other and are administered in cooperation with each other: all of the measures needed for their care are taken, and as they are taken, the vast world is made into a perfect state, a magnificent city, a magnificently adorned palace. Leaving aside the vast spheres of this imperious and merciful administration, we will, by means of a comparison, present a brief picture of a single page or stage of it which manifests itself on the face of the earth in spring. Readers desiring a more detailed explanation may refer to other sections of the Risale-i Nur such as The Tenth Word.

Let us suppose that some great world conqueror assembles an army from hundreds of thousands of different tribes and nations, and supplies the clothes and weapons, the instructions and salaries of every member of each tribe and nation, separately and variously, without any defect and flaw and without error or mistake, all at the proper time without any delay or confusion, with the utmost order and in the most perfect manner imaginable. Now, no cause or agent other than the extraordinary power of that great commander could stretch out a hand to play a part in that vast, complex, subtle, balanced, multidimensional and just administration. Were it to stretch out a hand, it would destroy the order and cause confusion.

Similarly, we see with our own eyes that an Unseen Hand creates and administers every spring a magnificent army composed of hundreds of thousands of different species. In fall —a sample of the Last Hour—this Hand discharges the great majority of those hundreds of thousands of species of plants and animals from their duties in the form of death. In spring—a sample of the Supreme Resurrection and assembly of all beings on the Day of Judgment —It raises hundreds of thousands of examples of the Supreme Resurrection in a few short weeks with the utmost order and discipline. After displaying four minor examples of the Resurrection on a tree—that is, restoring the tree itself to life and creating the exact likenesses of its former leaves, flowers and fruits—It gives each of the tribes and species of that army of glory, which comprises hundreds of thousands of different species, its appropriate provision, its multifarious defensive weapons and distinctive garments, its instructions and discharges, and all of its extremely varied tools and instruments, with the utmost order, without error or flaw, without confusion or omission, from unexpected sources and at the most appropriate time. It thus proves Its Unity, as demonstrated by the all-embracing manifestations of Its Attributes and Titles; It’s Oneness, as displayed by the particular manifestations of His Attributes and Titles on particular things; and Its All-Independent Uniqueness, Its infinite Power and Its limitless Mercy within the perfection of Lordship, Sovereignty and Wisdom, writing with the Pen of Divine Destiny this proclamation of absolute Unity on the page of every spring on the tablet of the earth.

After reading only a single page of this proclamation in spring, our traveler says to themselves:

That All-Compelling One of absolute Power, that All-Overwhelming One of Majesty, Who brings about in each spring thousands of resurrections more amazing that the Supreme Resurrection, has promised and assured all of His Prophets thousands of times that He will bring about the Supreme Resurrection. He also has set forth thousands of indications of its reality in the Qur’an and proclaimed it explicitly in thousands of its verses. And so the punishment of Hell is pure justice for those who commit the error of denying the Resurrection, for such denial would be to contradict the numerous promises and to deny the Power of that of that All-Compelling One of absolute Power, that All-Overwhelming One of Majesty.

When the traveler has said this, their soul has echoed their sentiments by saying: “I too believe!”

Said Nursi