A seventh meaningful point concerning God’s six Greatest Names and regarding the fact that “God is the Unique One of absolute Oneness”
In the Name of God, the All-Merciful, the All-Compassionate.
And from Him do we seek help.
What follows here concerns three subtle and beautiful fruits that have grown from an understanding of God’s Unity, together with three proofs of His Oneness, which is inspired by a famous oath taken by the Prophet, upon him be peace and blessings, and a particular and extremely impressive meaning of the Qur’anic verse, And know that there is no deity but God (47:19).
WHEN TAKING AN OATH, GOD’S NOBLEST MESSENGER, UPON HIM BE peace and blessings, usually said, “By Him in whose hand is Muhammad’s life.” This oath shows that from the tiniest of its roots, through the incalculable girth of its trunk and all the way to the tips of its innumerable branches, the tree of the universe depends utterly and unequivocally on the Power and Will of the Single, Unique One, both for its being and its continued existence. For if the most distinguished and illustrious of creatures, Prophet Muhammad, upon him be peace and blessings, does not own himself, if he cannot act as he wills and is dependent in all of his actions on the Will of Another, then nothing else in creation—no act, no state, no quality, whether it be universal or particular—can operate outside the sphere of domination and control of that all-encompassing Authority and Will.
What this meaningful oath of Prophet Muhammad, upon him be peace and blessings, indicates is the fact that it is a single, unique Lordship1 Which dominates the whole of existence. We refer the explanation and numerous clear proofs of this reality to other parts of the Risale-i Nur, in this Second Ray we will focus on the three following matters, articulated in three brief “Stations.”
In The First Station, out of the numerous subtle, sweet, and precious fruits grown from this extremely important truth of belief, three universal fruits will be explained in brief. The emotions, tastes, and experiences which attract my heart to these fruits will also be mentioned.
In The Second Station, three universal facts which both necessitate and explain this sacred truth will be elaborated. These facts, which are also proofs of this truth, have the power of three thousand proofs.
In The Third Station, three signs that indicate the Unity of the Divine Lordship Which dominates the whole of existence will be mentioned. These three signs have the power of three hundred signs and proofs.
Said Nursi
1 Lordship or God’s being the Lord of the whole creation means that God is the Creator, Sustainer, Maintainer, Raiser, and Director of creation. (Tr.)