The Second Ray


Some fruits of Divine Unity and belief in Divine Unity


In the Name of God, the All-Merciful, the All-Compassionate.


This Ray was written sixteen years ago when, after the release of my friends, I was left alone in Eskişehir Prison. It was written at great speed in my own very deficient hand at a most distressing and disagreeable time: it is, therefore, somewhat lacking in order. However, while editing it recently I realized that in respect of expounding and proving the issues of belief and Divine Unity, it is a valuable treatise that includes forceful arguments.

Said Nursi


What follows is the seventh meaningful point concerning the six Greatest Names of God or God’s six Names that have all-comprehensive manifestations, (which have been discussed at the end of The Gleams) and which deals with the notion of the Divine Being as the Unique One of Absolute Oneness (112:1).


NOTE: I believe that this treatise is significant for it contains and elaborates many subtle mysteries of belief. I hope God will enable those who read and understand it to rescue their belief. Unfortunately, since I have not been allowed to meet with anyone here, I have been unable to attain a clean copy of it for myself. If you wish to understand the main point of the treatise, begin with The Second and Third Fruits of The First Station. Read them carefully and then study the Conclusion at the end and the matters discussed in the two pages preceding that. When you have done this, go back and peruse the whole of the treatise slowly!


Said Nursi