What is the wisdom in the frequent success of the party of Satan?


First indication

QUESTION: Since satans (devils) have no part at all in creation, and God Almighty supports the followers of truth with His mercy and favor, and the attractive beauties of truth strengthen and encourage the followers of the truth, and the repulsive ugliness of misguidance revolts even the people of misguidance, what is the wisdom in the frequent success of the party of Satan? And why do the followers of truth always feel it necessary to seek refuge in God Almighty from Satan?

THE ANSWER: The wisdom and reason is this: misguidance and evil are, for the most part, negative and destructive, and lead to extinction, while right guidance and good are in the main positive, constructive, formative and reformative, and lead to existence. As is known to all, a single man can destroy in one day a building which it took twenty men twenty days to build. While it is the All-Majestic Creator’s Power Which creates and sustains human life, the survival of which He has made dependent on the existence of all the vital parts of the human body and the vital conditions of existence, by cutting off a part of the body a tyrant may prepare the ground for death, which is non-being when considered in relation to life. For this reason, the saying, “Destruction is easy,” has become proverbial.

It is because of this reality that the people of misguidance sometimes triumph over the powerful followers of truth with only a weak force. But the followers of truth have such a formidable stronghold that when they take shelter in it, those terrible enemies cannot even approach them and can do them no harm. Even if they cause some temporary harm, as stated in the Divine declaration, The final outcome is in favor of the God-revering, pious, (7:128) everlasting reward and profit compensate for that harm. This formidable stronghold in which to seek shelter is the Shari‘a of Muhammad, upon him be peace and blessings; it is his Sunna.

Bediuzzaman Said Nursi