


As God Almighty sent the Prophets to human communities as leaders of spiritual and moral progress, He has also endowed them with certain wonders and miracles and made them masters and forerunners of humanity’s material progress. He commands people to follow them absolutely.

By relating the Prophets’ spiritual and moral perfections, the Qur’an encourages people to benefit from them. By presenting their miracles, it urges people to achieve something similar through science. It may even be said that, like spiritual and moral attainments, material attainments and wonders were first given to humanity as gifts through Prophetic miracles. For example, Prophet Noah was the first to build ships, and Prophet Joseph was the first to build clocks. Thus the ship and clock were given first as Prophetic miracles. It is a meaningful indication of this reality that so many craft guilds take a Prophet as the “patron” or originator of their craft. For example, seamen take Noah, watchmakers take Joseph, and tailors take Enoch, upon them be peace.

Since truth-seeking scholars and the science of eloquence agree that each Qur’anic verse contains numerous aspects of guidance and instruction, it follows that the brilliant verses relating the Prophets’ miracles should not be considered mere historical events. Rather, they comprise numerous indications of guidance. By relating these miracles, the Qur’an shows the ultimate goal of scientific and technological developments, and specifies their final aims, toward which it urges humanity. Just as the past is the field for the future’s seeds and the mirror to its potential picture, so is the future the time to reap the past life’s harvest and the mirror to the actual situation. Out of many examples, I will point out only a few.

The verse: And to Solomon (We subjugated) the wind: its morning stride was a month’s journey and the evening stride was a month’s journey (34:12), expresses the wind’s subjugation to Prophet Solomon, upon him be peace: Prophet Solomon covered the distance of two months’ walk in two strides by flying through the air. This suggests that humanity can and should strive to travel through the air. Almighty God also is saying: “One of My servants did not obey his carnal desires, and I mounted him on the air. If you give up laziness and benefit properly from certain of My laws in nature, which are titles of My practices, you too can mount it.”

The verse: When Moses asked for water for his people, We said: “Strike the rock with your staff.” Then gushed forth therefrom twelve springs (so that) each tribe knew their drinking place” (2:60), indicates that simple tools can unlock Mercy’s underground treasuries. In places hard as rock, the water for life may be drawn with so simple a device as a staff. Through this meaning, the verse urges us to seek these treasures. Through this verse, God Almighty suggests: “One of My servants relied on Me, and so I gave him a staff that draws the water for life from wherever he wishes. If you rely on My laws of Mercy, you too can obtain such a device.” Modern scientists have invented many devices to bring up subsurface water. The verse points to further goals, just as the previous one specified attainments far ahead of today’s airplanes.

The verse: I heal him who was born blind, and the leper, and I raise the dead by God’s leave (3:49), concerns a miracle of Jesus, upon him be peace. Just as the Qur’an explicitly encourages humankind to follow Jesus in his high morality, so through this miracle it alludes to and encourages the highest level of healing with which God endowed him. It suggests that even the most chronic ailments can be cured. Therefore, we should search for it. It is possible to give a temporary tinge of life to death. By the verse God Almighty means:

I gave two gifts to one of My servants who renounced the world for My sake: the remedy for spiritual ailments, and the cure for physical sicknesses. Dead hearts were revived through the light of guidance, and sick people who were as though dead found health through his breath and cure. You can find the cure for all illnesses in My “pharmacy of wisdom” in nature, where I attached many important purposes to each thing. Work and find it.

Thus, this verse marks the final point of medical development far ahead of the present level and urges us toward it.

The verses: We made iron supple for him [David] (34:10); We gave him [David] wisdom and sound judgment in speech and decision (38:20); and We caused the fount of copper to gush forth with him [Solomon] (34:12), indicate that softening iron is one of God’s greatest bounties, one through which He shows a great Prophet’s virtue. Softening iron, smelting copper, and extracting minerals is the origin, source, and basis of all material industries. These verses state that softening iron and fining it like a thread and smelting cop per are great favors granted to two great Prophets, who ruled according to God’s commandments, and are the means to most general industries.

Since God endowed two Prophets, who were both spiritual and political leaders, with wise speech, craftsmanship, and industry, He urges people to speak wisely and encourages them toward craftsmanship and industry. By these verses, God Almighty suggests:

O children of Adam! I gave such wisdom to the tongue and heart of a servant who obeyed My religious commandments to judge and distinguish between all things with perfect clarity and to discern the truth. I endowed him with such skill that he could cast iron into any mold and then use it as an important source of strength for his rule. Since this is possible and since iron has great significance for your social life, which requires it, such wisdom and skill will be bestowed on you if you obey My commands of creation, My laws of nature. Eventually you will attain it.

By softening iron and smelting copper, humanity has achieved great industrial progress and material power. These verses direct our attention toward this truth. Just as they warned earlier peoples who did not appreciate its importance, so they warn today’s lazy people.

The verse: One with whom was knowledge of the Book said: “I will bring it to you before your gaze returns to you (in the twinkling of an eye).” When Solomon saw it set in his presence... (27:40), describes the wonderful event of bringing the Queen of Sheba’s throne to Solomon’s court. This suggests that things can be transported over long distances, either bodily or in their images. In fact, God Almighty bestowed this as a miracle upon Prophet Solomon, upon him be peace, who was honored with kingship as well as Divine Messengership, so that he could maintain his sinlessness and justice by being personally informed of all regions in his extensive realm, see his subjects’ conditions, and hear of their troubles.

That means that if we rely on Almighty God and appeal to Him in the tongue of our potentials, as Solomon did in the tongue of his sinlessness, and if our acts conform to His laws in the universe and with what attracts His favor, the world may become like a town for us. The Queen’s throne was in Yemen, yet it was seen in the region of Damascus either bodily or in image, as were the forms of the people around it, who were seen and heard.

This verse points to the transport of forms and transmission of sounds over long distances. In effect, it says: “O rulers! If you wish to realize perfect justice, try to see and know your realm in all its details, as Solomon did. Only by rising to such a level can a just ruler who cherishes his subjects be saved from being held accountable. Only in this manner may he realize perfect justice.” God Almighty means:

O humanity! I bestowed on one of My servants a vast realm. So that he might realize perfect justice throughout it, I allowed him to know whatever was happening therein. Since I have created every person with a capacity to be a vicegerent on the earth—to rule according to My commands and represent My justice there—I also have given him, as a requirement of My Wisdom, the potential to scan the earth’s face and comprehend whatever is in it. If every person cannot reach this point, humanity as a species may realize it. If they do not achieve it physically, they can do it spiritually, like some saints. Therefore, you can benefit from this great blessing. Come on, let Me see you do it. Without ever neglecting your duties of worship, strive in such a way that you may turn the earth’s face into a garden, every part of which you can see, and the sounds from every corner of which you can hear. Heed the decree of Mercy: He has made the earth subservient to you, so walk in the paths thereof and eat of His provision. Unto Him is the resurrection (67:15).

Thus the verse mentioned above marks the ultimate point in the transmission of images and sounds, which constitutes one of the latest and most significant developments in science and technology, and encourages humanity toward that furthest point.

The verses: Others linked together in chains (38:38), and: Of the evil ones were some who dived for him, and did other work (21:82), state that Prophet Solomon, upon him be peace, made the jinn, devils, and evil spirits obey him. He prevented their evil and used them for beneficial work. In other words: The jinn, who are conscious beings and the earth’s most important inhabitants after humanity, may serve us and can be contacted. Devils also may be made to serve, either willingly or unwillingly. God Almighty made them obey a servant who obeyed His commands. God Almighty means:

O humanity! I made jinn and devils, including their most evil ones, obey a servant who obeyed Me. If you submit yourself to My commands, most creatures, including jinn and devils, may be subjugated to you.

These verses mark the highest point in the occult or supernatural sciences dealing with paranormal events, which appear as a blend of art and science and out of our extraordinary material and spiritual sensitivity. They urge us not, as happens nowadays, to be subjugated to the jinn, devils, and evil spirits, who sometimes introduce themselves as the spirits of the dead, and to become their plaything and a laughing-stock, but to subjugate and employ them through the Qur’an, and be saved from their evil.

These verses, and others like: Then We sent to her Our spirit and it assumed for her the form of a perfect man (19:17), hint that spirit beings may assume visible forms and we can contact with spirits and the spirits of the dead. But the Qur’an is not alluding to modern necromancy, which some “civilized” people practice, for these, in reality, are evil spirits masquerading as the dead person. Rather, it is in the form known to certain saints, like Muhyid-Din ibnu’l-‘Arabi, who could communicate with good spirits at will, make contact and form relations with them, and, by going to their abodes and drawing near to their atmosphere, benefit from their spirituality. The verses point to this and mark the final point of occult sciences.

The verses: We subdued the hills to hymn the praises (of their Lord) with him at nightfall and after sunrise (38:18); O you mountains! Echo His psalms of praise, and you birds. And We made the iron supple for him (34:10); and We have been taught the language of birds (26:17), which are about David’s miracles, point out that Almighty God gave David’s glorifications such strength and such a resonant and pleasing tone that they brought the mountains to ecstasy. Like a huge sound system, each mountain formed a circle around the chief reciter—David—and repeated his glorifications. This is a reality, for every mountain with caves can “speak” like a parrot. If you declare before a mountain: “All praise and gratitude are for God,” the mountain will echo it back. Since God Almighty has granted this ability to mountains, it can be developed.

God endowed Prophet David, upon him be peace, with both Messenger ship and caliphate in an exceptional form. Thus He made this seed of ability flourish as such a miracle with that comprehensive Messengership and magnificent sovereignty that great mountains followed him like soldiers, students, or disciples. Under his direction and in his tongue, they glorified the All-Majestic Creator and repeated whatever he said.

At present, due to advancements in communication, a great commander can get a large army dispersed through the mountains to repeat his declaration “God is the All-Great” at the same time, and make the mountains speak and ring with the words. If an ordinary commander can do this, a magnificent commander of Almighty God can get them actually to utter and recite God’s glorifications. Besides, each mountain has a collective personality and corporate identity, and offers glorifications and worship unique to itself. Just as each one glorifies in humanity’s tongue via echoing, it also glorifies the All-Majestic Creator in its own particular tongue.

The verses: We have been taught the tongues of birds (27:16); and The birds assembled (38:19), point out that Almighty God bestowed on David and Solomon knowledge of the birds’ languages and of the tongues of abilities (how they could be of benefit). Given this, and that the earth is a laden table of the All Merciful set up in our honor, most animals and birds that benefit from this table may serve us. God uses such small animals as honeybees and silkworms, through the guidance of His special inspiration, to benefit humanity. By enabling us to use pigeons and make certain birds like parrots speak, He has added to the beauty of human civilization.

If we could discover how to use other birds and animals, many species might be employed for important tasks, just as domestic animals are. For example, if the languages of locust-destroying starlings were known and their movements could be controlled, they could be used against plagues of locusts. What a valuable free service this would be! Thus, the verses mentioned show the ultimate point in subjugating and benefiting from birds, and making such lifeless beings speak like a telephone or phonograph (or record players). By specifying the farthest aim in this field, the verses urge humanity toward it. By the same verses, God Almighty indicates:

O humanity! So that his sinlessness as a Prophet and his justice as a sovereign might not be damaged, I subjugated to one of your fellow men, who was totally submitted to Me, the huge creatures in My Kingdom and made them speak. I put most of My troops and animals in his service. In the same way, since I have entrusted to each of you the Supreme Trust that the heavens, the earth, and the mountains shrank from bearing, and have endowed you with the potential to rule on the earth according to My commands,84 you should yield to the One in Whose hand are the reins of all creatures. This will cause the creatures in His Kingdom to yield to you, so that you may use them in the name of the One Who holds their reins and rise to a position worthy of your potential.

Given this, rather than wasting your time with record players, musical instruments, playing with pigeons, making parrots speak, and so on, try for a most agreeable, elevated, and sacred amusement—that mountains may function as a huge sound system for you as they did for David, that a breeze may cause the tunes of Divine praise and glorification to reach your ears from trees and plants, that mountains may manifest themselves as wonderful creatures reciting Divine glorifications in thousands of tongues, and that most birds may be each an intimate friend or an obedient servant, like Solomon’s hoopoe. They may both entertain you and drive you with zeal toward the perfections and attainments of which you are capable, rather than causing you to fall from the position required by your humanity, as vain amusements do.

The verse: We said: “O fire! Be coolness and peace for Abraham!” (21:69), which is about one of Abraham’s miracles, contains three subtle indications:

FIRST: Like every element in nature, fire performs a duty under a command; it does not act on its own and blindly. It did not burn Prophet Abraham, upon him be peace, for God commanded it not to do so.

SECOND: One type of heat burns through coldness. That is, it has an effect like burning. Through the phrase Be peace!, God Almighty ordered the cold: “Like heat, do not burn him.”85 It is simultaneously fire and cold. Science has discovered a fire called “white heat,” which does not radiate its heat. Instead, by attracting the surrounding heat, it causes the surrounding area to become cold enough to freeze liquids and in effect burns them through its cold. The severest cold in winter is a category of fire which burns through its cold. Hell, which contains all degrees and sorts of fire, also must have this intense cold.

THIRD: Just as there is an immaterial substance like belief and an armor like Islam, which will remove and protect against the effects of Hellfire, there must be a physical substance that will protect against and prevent the effects of fire in the world. As is required by His Name the All Wise, and since this world is the abode of Wisdom, [where everything occurs for a definite purpose and usually according to cause and effect], God Almighty acts behind the veil of cause and effect. Therefore, as the fire did not burn Abraham’s body, it did not burn His clothes either. His clothes resisted fire. Thus the verse suggests:

O nation of Abraham! Be like Abraham, so that your garments may be your guard against the fire, your greatest enemy, in both this world and the next. Coat your spirit with belief, and it will be your armor against Hellfire. Similarly, there are substances in the earth which God Almighty stored for you and will protect you from fire’s evil. Search for them, extract them, and coat yourselves with them.

As an important step in his progress, humanity discovered a fire-resistant substance. But see how elevated, fine, and beautiful a garment this verse points to, which will be woven on the loom of purity of belief in and submission to God, and which will not be rent for all eternity.

The verse: He taught Adam the names, all of them (2:31), states that, as his greatest miracle in the cause of supreme vicegerency, Prophet Adam, upon him be peace, was taught the names. While other Prophets’ miracles point to a particular wonder in the course of scientific and technological progress, the miracle of Adam, the father of all Prophets and the Opening of the Office of Prophethood, alludes almost explicitly to the ultimate points and final goals of human attainment and progress. By this verse, God Almighty suggests:

O children of Adam! To prove his superiority over the angels as regards vicegerency, I taught Adam all the names.86 Being his children and inheritors of his abilities, learn all the names and show that you are worthy of this superiority over all other creatures. For the way is open to you to rise to highest rank among all beings, and for vast creatures like the earth to be subjugated to you. Come on, step forward, hold on to My Names, and rise. But be careful! Adam was deceived by Satan once and for all, and temporarily fell to the earth from an abode like the Garden. So do not follow Satan in your progress, thereby making it the means of falling from the heavens of Divine Wisdom into the misguidance of attributing creativity to nature, or real effect to cause and effect in the creation and operation of nature. Raise your head and, studying My Beautiful Names, make science and your progress steps by which to ascend to the heavens. Then you may rise to My Names of Lordship, which are the essences and sources of your sciences and attainments, and through them look to your Lord with your hearts.

Bediuzzaman Said Nursi

84 The Supreme Trust is our selfhood or human identity, which includes free will, knowledge, intellect, and speech. For an elaboration on this topic, consult The Thirtieth Word. (Tr.)

85 An interpreter of the Qur’an remarks: “If He had not said: Be peace!, it would have burned him with its coldness.”

86 The Names taught to Prophet Adam, upon him be peace, are the names of things as the keys to human knowledge. They originate in Divine Names, each one the source of a branch of science. For example, medicine has its source in the Name the All-Healing, and engineering in the Names the All-Just and the All-Determining. (Tr.)