• Q and A

    Questions and Answers from the Risale-i Nur Collection
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Is There a Consensus of Religions on the Existence of Angels?


There has been a consensus of most philosophers and religious scholars on the existence of angels and spirit beings of all kinds, although there have been some differences in naming them. Of the schools of philosophy, the Peripatetics (Mashshaiyyun), who were inclined to explain the origin of existence in materialistic terms, had to admit the existence of angels, on the ground that there exists a spiritual, incorporeal essence of each species. As for the Illuminists (Ishraqiyyun), they could not deny the existence of angels but wrongly called them ‘Ten Intellects and Masters of Species’. On the other hand, the followers of all the Divine religions, guided by the Divine Revelation, have believed that there is an angel in charge of each kind of existence. They called them by the name of that kind of existence such as ‘the Angel of the mountains, the Angel of the seas, the Angel of rain’, and so on. Even the naturalists and materialists, who have restricted themselves only to what they see, cannot help but admit the meaning of the angels by calling them ‘pervasive forces’.

Philosophers and religious scholars have unanimously agreed that creation is not limited to this visible world; although this world is material and, accordingly, is not suitable to receive and be the ‘home’ of spirits, it has been decorated by countless living creatures. It is this very fact which causes us to conclude that there are many degrees of existence, over which this material world is, as it were, a lace curtain. Furthermore, as the sea is the home of the fish, so the unseen world of the spirit is occupied by spirit beings. In short, all the arguments we have mentioned and many more others that can be concluded from the operation of the universe indicate the existence of the angels, and the Qur’an explains the meaning of the angelic existence so reasonably that every sensible person can understand it. As the Qur’an puts it, mankind is a community responsible for carrying out the Divine Commandments issuing from the Divine Attribute of Speech, and the angels constitute a community whose ‘working’ stratum carry out the Divine laws of nature issuing from the Attribute of Will. They are God’s honored servants who perform whatever He commands them.

The angels are spiritual, subtle bodies divided into different classes. Being servants of God, they obey the commandments issuing from the Eternal Will and the Creative Power, which rules over the universe. Each of the heavenly bodies is a place of worship for the angels.


All of the Prophets reported the invisible dimension of existence

All Prophets, numbering 124,000 in reliable religious sources, unanimously report the existence of angels, spirit beings, jinn, and Satan. All saints and religious scholars agree on this invisible realm’s existence. We hardly need to say that two specialists in a matter are preferable to thousands of non-specialists. In addition, it is an established fact that once a matter is confirmed by two people, its denial by thousands carries no weight. Furthermore, all people of religion and followers of almost all religions unanimously accept the existence of these beings.

All Divine Scriptures record the existence of spirit beings and the human spirit, and the story of Satan and his intrigues to seduce us exist in all of them. Above all, can one doubt the report of the Qur’an and the testimony and experiences of Prophet Muhammad, upon him be peace and blessings? The proofs of the Qur’an’s Divine authorship, the mission of Prophethood, and the Prophethood of Muhammad and all other Prophets, upon them be peace, also prove the invisible realm’s existence and thus the existence of the spirit, angels, jinn, and Satan.

The best and most rational way of establishing the existence of such beings is expounded by Islam, described by the Qur’an, and was seen by the Prophet, upon him be peace and blessings, during his Ascension through the heavens. The Qur’an explains the meaning of angelic existence so reasonably that anyone can understand it. It relates that we are a community responsible for carrying out the Divine Commandments issuing from the Divine Attribute of Speech, and angels are a community whose “working class” carry out the Divine Laws of nature issuing from the Attribute of Will. They are God’s honored servants who do whatever He commands. The existence of angels and other spirit beings can be established by proving the existence of an individual angel, because their denial amounts to denial of the species. Thus, the acceptance of the individual requires the acceptance of the species.


This article has been adapted from Risale- i Nur Collection.