Mehmet Firinci
By Ersan Akyuz
Mehmet Firinci’s real name is Mehmed Nuri Gulec. He was born in 1929 in a village called Kucuk Yenice which later changed its name to Yenice-Muslim in the city of Bursa, Turkey.
His grandfather was an imam. His father’s name is Ahmed Naci Efendi. Mehmet Firinci finished his primary school education on 22 May 1945. After he finished primary school his family moved to Istanbul and he started a bakery business with his brothers. He continued his bakery business until 1955. After that he dedicated his life to the service of the Risale-i Nur. He still continues his service today.
Mehmed firinci first heard about the Risale-i Nur and Bediuzzaman Said Nursi in a magazine. The magazine was called “Buyuk Dogu Mecmuasi” (The magazine of the Great East). He was invited to the dershane and the cemaat by Muhsin Alev and Ziya Arun who were both students of the risale-i nur. This was when he was 20 years old. They told him he could come here any time he wants. He was intrigued by some of the questions that were being answered in the Risale-i Nur.
Mehmed Firinci first visited Ustad in 1952. Ustad was staying at Aksehir Palas Hotel at the time because of a court case. Mehmet Firinci went after morning prayer to visit him. He kissed Ustad’s hand. There was a 2 hour ders session on the Risale-i Nur from a book called “The Staff of Moses”. Ustad asked him what his name was and he replied “Mehmet” However Ustad kept calling him “Muhammed.” He asked what he did for a living and he replied “Im a baker (firinci)” He stared calling him “Firinci Muhammed” (Baker Muhammed). This is where he got the name “Firinci”
After that he went to complete his military service. After that he was more involved with service of the Risale-i Nur. Mehmet Firinci is one of the Varis (inheritors) of the Risale-i Nur that Ustad has nominated before his death. He later married the translator of the Risale-i Nur, Sukran Vahide.