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Risale-i Nur Conference in New Delhi



You are invited to the international conference on

Risale-i Nur!

Living in Harmony and Peace in a Multicultural World:
The Risale-i Nur Perspective

Click here to download the Brochure

Organized by:
Center of Arabic and African Studies, SLL&CS, JNU & Istanbul Foundation for Science and Culture, Turkey

On 1-2 February, 2012

Venue: Auditorium 1, JNU Convention Center (Tentative)
Inaugural Session: 10: 00 am 12.00 noon


Dua / Qira’ath / Introduction / Chair

Inauguration : Ihsan Kasim Salihi – The Translator of Risale-i Nur into Arabic

Theme presentation: Prof. Dr. Faris Kaya (Secretary, IFSC)



Inaugural Session 9:30am to 10:15 am

Ishaq Baqawi (Principal, Degree Section, DHIU)

Hafiz Khaleelurahman (Secondary student, DHIU)

Dr. Bahauddeen Muhammad Nadwi

Sayid Munawar Ali Shihab Al Husaini


Mehmed Nuri Güleç – Living Student of Nursi President of IFSC

Abdullah Yegin- Living Student of Said Nursi,

UVK Muhammad (English) – Secretary Darul Huda

KC Muhammad Baqawi (Arabic) – Dean, PG section, DHIU

Anas Hudawi Aripra- Dept of Da’wa & Comparative Studies

Session I – 10:30am to 1pm


1- Onampilli Muhammad Faizy- Secretary SKSSF

Reading Said Nursi in the Context of Indian Philosophy

2- Prof. Dr. Colin Turner, University of Durham, UK

The Mecca-Madina paradigm: the Nursian perspective on reform

3- Dr. Faisal Hudawi – Assi. Prof. Aligarh University, Malappuram Centre

Nursi’ s Approach: A Paradigm Shift in Muslim Socio-political Thought

4- Riza Akçali- Turkish Ex minister and Member of Parliament

Sustainability concept in the light of tawhid: The Risale Perspective

5- Prof Dr Thomas Michel-Georgetown University,USA, Inter-Faith Dialogue-Vatican

Worship of God as the Basis for Human Peace and Harmony: A Risale-i Nur Perspective

Session II – 2pm to 5pm


6- Dr. Bahauddeen Muhammad Hudawi -Director, NIICS, DHIU, Kerala

Influence of Ahmad Sarhindi in the Thoughts of Said Nursi

7- Prof Dr Alpaslan Acikgenc, Head of PG Studies at Yıldız Technical
University, Istanbul, Turkey

Conception of Human As The Ground Of Social Tranquility: A Qur’anic Perspective as
Reflected in the Risale-i Nur

8- Dr. Saeed Hudawi Nadapuram (Hamdard University)


Nursi’ s Madrasatu Zahra and Islamic Education in Indian state of Kerala

9- Ihsan Kasim Salihi – The Translator of Risale-i Nur into Arabic, IFSC (ARABIC)

10- Prof Dr Bilal Kuspinar – Lecturer at Mc Gill Unv –CANADA

The Importance of Spirituality to Lead a Peaceful Life in Plural Society: Nursi’ s Perspective

11- Ali Katıoz, IFSC

The Dawah Mothodology Applied in the Risale-i Nur

12- Prof Dr Irfan Omar Lecturer at Marquette Unv, USA
