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    Pieces on Risale-i Nur and its Author
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The Fountain Magazine

Title Author Hits
A Brief Introduction to the Noble Qur'an the Fountain Magazine Written by The Fountain Magazine Hits: 4767
A Commentary for Contemporary World the Twelfth Word Written by The Fountain Magazine Hits: 4884
A Commentary on the Contemporary World 1 Written by The Fountain Magazine Hits: 4640
A Commentary on the Contemporary World 2 Written by The Fountain Magazine Hits: 4713
A Commentary on the Contemporary World 3 Written by The Fountain Magazine Hits: 4526
A Commentary on the Contemporary World 4 Written by The Fountain Magazine Hits: 3031
A Commentary on the Contemporary World 5 Written by The Fountain Magazine Hits: 3594
A Commentary on the Contemporary World 6 Written by The Fountain Magazine Hits: 3033
A Commentary on the Contemporary World 7 Written by The Fountain Magazine Hits: 3144
An Allegory of the Divine System Written by The Fountain Magazine Hits: 4903
Arguments for the Existence and Unity of God Written by The Fountain Magazine Hits: 4459
Containing Five Comments with Respect to Man Written by The Fountain Magazine Hits: 3981
Everything in the Environment Reflects God Written by The Fountain Magazine Hits: 3451
Four Short Signs Alluding to Divine Unity Written by The Fountain Magazine Hits: 3057
Greed and Its Consequences Written by The Fountain Magazine Hits: 4714
Humanity's Progress to Happiness and Decline to Misery Written by The Fountain Magazine Hits: 2892
Human Perfection Written by The Fountain Magazine Hits: 4749
Is the Creation of Evil Evil Written by The Fountain Magazine Hits: 4471
Kant, Scheler and Bediuzzaman on Man Written by The Fountain Magazine Hits: 3897
Meditations on a Verse of the Book Written by The Fountain Magazine Hits: 3419
On the Existence of the Creator Written by The Fountain Magazine Hits: 3158
Reflections on Man and Life Written by The Fountain Magazine Hits: 3139
Reflections on the Existence and Unity of the Creator 1 Written by The Fountain Magazine Hits: 4315
Reflections on the Existence and Unity of the Creator 2 Written by The Fountain Magazine Hits: 3047
Reflections on the Existence and Unity of the Creator 3 Written by The Fountain Magazine Hits: 2988
Reflections on the Existence of the Creator Written by The Fountain Magazine Hits: 3075
The Divine Name of All Just Written by The Fountain Magazine Hits: 3032
The Divine Name of Most Holy Written by The Fountain Magazine Hits: 3230
The Four Significant Truths Written by The Fountain Magazine Hits: 2945
The Holy Month of Ramadan Written by The Fountain Magazine Hits: 6619