Said Nursi's Views on Muslim-Christian Understanding
By Prof. Dr. Thomas Michel
When Nursi speaks explicitly of, he is first of all thinking of the way that God communicates His message to humankind. Dialogue is seen as an aspect or style of the Qur'an. When God reveals His world thought the prophets, God is engaging humans in a process of discovery whereby they learn what they would not otherwise know and, in revealing His word to humans, God elicits a response on part of the person who studies the Qur'an.
This dialogical nature of the Qur'an is, for Nursi, a sign of the miraculous nature of the Qur'an.
Bibliographic information
TitleReflections on Said Nursî's Views on Muslim-Christian Understanding
AuthorThomas F. Michel
PublisherSöz Basim Yayin, 2003
Original from Indiana University
Digitized Oct 16, 2008
9756438029, 9789756438022
Length 70 pages
Said Nursi's Views on Muslim-Christian Understanding
Prof. Dr. S. J. Thomas Michel
This dialogical nature of the Qur'an is, for Nursi, a sign of the miraculous nature of the Quran.
Söz Basım Yayın, 2000
Language: English
Country: Türkiye
Publishing House Tel: +90 212 551 32 25
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