Dr Hasan Horkuc
Research Fellow in the School of Government and International Affairs
Member of the Centre for the History of Political Thought
Contact Dr Hasan Horkuc (email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Research Fellow in Islamic and comparative studies. Director of Durham University Risale-i Nur Studies Programe. Especially specialised in Nursian studies, the origins and development of Nursian exegesis, the history of Nursian studies, Nursian movement and afterwards. Fethullah Gulen and his discourse; the evolution of Sufi thought and discourses of Gahazali, Al-Rumi, Al-Arabi, Shirazi (Mulla Sadra), Al Jilani, and Imam Sirhindi etc are the other areas of studies he is interested in. His most recent publication is “Horkuc, Hasan & Turner, Colin. Said Nursi: Makers of Islamic Civilisation by Oxford University Press, 2009.”
Horkuc, Hasan. (International Conference co-organizer, together with Dr C.P. Turner), held by Durham University Risale-i Nur Studies Programme (http://www.dur.ac.uk/sgia/imeis/risale/), Durham, UK 21-23 October 2008.
Horkuc, Colin Turner and Hasan. "Aspects of the Nursian Perspective on Civilisation." Paper presented at the Theology and Society: Nursi's Perspective, Istanbul, Turkey 2008.
Horkuc, Hasan. "Binary Nature of Justice: Absolute and Relative Justice in the Teachings of Said Nursi." Paper presented at the Justice, the Role of Justice in Building a Better World, Istanbul, Turkey 2007.
Horkuc, Hasan. "Reconsidering Jihad: The Perspective of Bediüzzaman Said Nursi." Paper presented at the Islam in Contemporary Turkey: Perspectives of Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, John Carroll University, Cleveland, OH November 5 - 6, 2006.
Horkuc, Hasan. "Knowledge, Dogma or Free-Thinking: Interplay of Knowledge on Life According to Nursi." Paper presented at the Bringing Faith, Meaning and Peace to Life in a Multicultural World: The Risale-i Nur's Approach, Istanbul 2004.
Horkuc, Hasan and Edvar Akay. "Emerging as the Modernisation Model of the Middle-East for the New World Order. The Case Study of Turkey." Paper presented at the 10th DAVO Congress, Hamburg, Germany 2003.
Akay, Edvar and Hasan Horkuc. "The Dilemma: Westernisation and Traditionalism in the Modernisation Project of the Middle-East (the Case Study of Turkey)." Paper presented at the The 2003 Middle East & Central Asia Politics, Economics, and Society Conference: Contemporary Affairs & Future Prospects, The University of Utah, Salt Lake City, USA 2003.
Horkuc, Hasan. "A Case Study of Islamic Civilisation Project: Said Nursi and Fethullah Gulen on Education." Paper presented at the First World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies (WOCMES), Mainz, Germany 2002.
———. "Said Nursi on Interaction between Education and Ethics." Paper presented at the Globalization, Ethics and Bediuzzaman Said Nursi's Risale-i Nur, Istanbul 2002.
———. "A Contemporary Case Study of Islamic Civilisation Project: Said Nursi and Fethullah Gulen on Education." Paper presented at the Muslim World After September 11: Agenda for Change, Washington DC, USA 2002.
———. "New Muslim Discourses on Pluralism in the Postmodern Age: Nursi on Religious Pluralism, and Tolerance." Paper presented at the Religion and Public Life in the Global Epoch, University Of Michigan, Detroit, Michigan 2001.
———. "A Case Study of Islamic Universalism: Said Nursi and Pluralism." Paper presented at the Unity and Diversity: Islam, Muslims and the Challenge of Pluralism, The Royal Acedemy of Westminister University, London 2001.
Horkuc, Hasan. "Understanding the Prophet's Message Today." In A Tribute to the Prophet Muhammad: Celebrating the Blessed Birth: The Light, 2006.
Horkuc, Hasan. "Reconsidering Islamic Pluralism in the Contemporary World." Fountain April - June 2003.
Horkuc, Hasan. "Said Nursi’ye Gore Ahlakla Egitim Arasindaki Etkilesim." In Risale-I Nur Isiginda Kuresellesme ve Ahlak. Istanbul: Nesil Yayinevi, 2003.
Horkuc, Hasan. "Said Nursi on Interaction between Education and Ethics." In Globalization, Ethics and Bediuzzaman Said Nursi's Risale-I Nur. Istanbul: Sozler Nesriyat, 2002.
———. "New Muslim Discourses on Pluralism in the Postmodern Age: Nursi on Religious Pluralism, and Tolerance." American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences 19, no. 2 (Spring, 2002): 68-86.
Research Interests
Islamic theology and philosophy
Reform and renewal in Islam
Classical and modern Islamic exegesis
Turkic studies, language and literature
Interfaith Dialogue
Research Groups
School of Government and International Affairs
Selected Publications
Books: authored
- Horkuc, Hasan & Turner, Colin (2009). Makers of Islamic Civilisation: Said Nursi. Oxford: Oxford University Press.